February 17, 2019July 21, 2023Milo Kid McConnell Rides Again! Who’s fastest on the draw when it comes to spurious constitutional arguments? Who can obstruct the proper functioning of government faster than a speeding bullet? Who knows how to cock-block Judicial appointments better than a jealous friend? Mitch The Bandito McConnell, that’s who!If Mitch was Barack’s wing-man back in the day we would have never met Michelle. So masterful is he at cock-blocking he could have prevented even Trump from many of his dalliances. He is the anti-Casanova when it comes to a robust, functioning government. Walrus Monkey God totally disagrees with his policies 99.997638465% of the times, but has begrudging respect fr the old crow.Purchase at TeePublicPurchase at Threadless Purchase At Redbubble